For those entering in Class of 2029, we will now be partnering with the UT School of Public Health San Antonio (UTSPHSA) for the MPH degree. You can find more information below for the MD and MPH Requirements.
How to apply:
For those entering in Class of 2029, we will now be partnering with the UT School of Public Health San Antonio (UTSPHSA) for the MPH degree. You will need to be accepted to the Long SOM and UT School of Public Health San Antonio, so you will need to apply to both directly. For the MPH application, you will be able to download your TMDSAS application for upload, including two essays and letters of recommndation. You can find detailed instructions here.
Our MD/MPH Program has a four-year track for completion.
Tuition and Fees
For those entering in Class of 2029, we will now be partnering with the UT School of Public Health San Antonio (UTSPHSA) for the MPH degree, so both programs will be under the same institution. Please note, during the application process, you will need to complete two FAFSA applications, one for 2024-2025 and one for 2025-2026.
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Total Students in Program
Class of 2025: 14
Class of 2026: 18
Class of 2027: 14
Class of 2028: 10
4 year VS 5 year
4 year: 52 students
5 year: 6 students
Class of 2024 Match Specialties
Emergency Medicine