The Office for Undergraduate Medical Education’s (UME) Student Affairs team is committed to medical student well being in training and beyond. UME Wellness offers programming that fosters a positive learning environment inside and outside the academic setting. Our goal is to encourage self-care, resilience, and holistic health by providing tools to address all dimensions of wellness.

Resources For Medical Students who are Parents
Student parents can have added challenges as they navigate medical training while also tending to family obligations and responsibilities. We are trying to build a network of LSOM students who are parents. If you are a student who is a parent, join our parent list here.
Medical students advocate for parental leave policies
Lactation Rooms are available throughout campus for mothers who are nursing:
- SOM 1.114e.00
- SON 1.109.02
- SOD 3.289R.00
- SOD 4.289R.00
- ALTC 2.205.00
- STR 1.101.00
Contact medstudentaffairs@uthscsa.edu to request access to these rooms.
Navigating Financial Well-Being as a Medical Student and Parent
Written by Daniel Bellingham, Class of 2027

Resources For Parents of Medical Students
Research shows that family support systems improve student satisfaction within the learning environment as well as prevent/decrease the likelihood of burnout.

Resources For Spouses/Partners/Significant Others of Medical Students
Research shows that family support systems improve student satisfaction within the learning environment as well as prevent/decrease the likelihood of burnout.

Just For Kids
Guess what, kids?! Someone you know wants to be a doctor! Visit the Just For Kids page for a sneak peek into the profession and print some coloring pages!