The Molecular Immunology and Microbiology (MIM) discipline IBMS graduate will be trained to enter any specialized field of modern biomedical science in academia, industry, education, consulting, or medicine. After obtaining their Ph.D., graduates typically obtain a position as a postdoctoral research fellow in an academic, industrial (e.g., biotech or pharmaceutical), or government research laboratory before pursuing their first independent professional position.
Typical job outcomes for our graduates include:
Research and/or teaching faculty positions at a major university or medical school
Research scientist in a biotech or pharmaceutical company
Research scientist at a government or military research laboratory
Non-research-intensive career outcomes may include, among many other opportunities:
College-level teaching
Scientific publishing
Science policy
Management and administration
Academic administration
Patent law
Science journalism
The fields of Microbiology and Immunology are always growing. Good employment resources include the American Society for Microbiology Career Connections and The American Association of Immunologists.
Marketable Skills
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is proud to partner with the Texas Higher Education Board in helping students develop and build on skills employers value and seek out in job candidates.
PhD in Integrated Biomedical Sciences:
1. Management of Existing Research Data & Information
Identify, evaluate, integrate and interpret large quantities of information applicable to a given problem from multiple sources including the scientific literature and relevant databases.
2. Project Development & Successful Execution
Manage a research endeavor from intellectual conceptualization to successful timely completion.
3. Analysis & Problem-Solving
Identify and define gaps in scientific knowledge; and then gather information from across the biomedical sciences to synthesize experimental approaches for testing hypotheses designed to fill those gaps.
4. Professional Collaboration
Identify opportunities to collaborate with others to strengthen experimental strategies for achieving common goals.
5. Effective Work Habits
Work with minimum supervision toward research goals and satisfying other program requirements; develop time-management and organizational skills that allow “multi-tasking” and to meet deadlines.
6. Oral Communication
Present effectively, in various venues, complex research problems and solutions to audiences of varied levels of experience and expertise.
7. Defense of Ideas - Oral
Develop oral skills of debating ideas based on scientific facts so as to defend particular interpretations and conclusions.
8. Written Communication
Write clear concise descriptions of research problems, experimental design and results so as to effectively support interpretations and conclusions.