Long School of Medicine


Final Agenda will be provided once abstracts have been selected.

Wednesday, January 22nd

Time                     TopicSpeaker
2:00-4:30 PMRegistration 
4:30-6:15 PMSession ITBD
6:30-8:00 PMWelcome Reception Dinner 

Thursday, January 23rd

Time                     TopicSpeaker
7:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
8:30-9:50 AMSession IITBD
9:50-10:20 AMCoffee Break 
10:20-12:20 PMSession IIITBD
12:30-1:45 PMLunch 
2:00-4:00 PMSession IVTBD
4:00-6:00 PMPoster Session and Reception 

Friday, January 24th

Time                     TopicSpeaker
7:30-8:30 AMBreakfast 
8:30-10:10 AMSession VTBD
10:10-10:40 AMCoffee break 
10:40-12:40 PMSession VITBD
12:45-1:45 PMLunch 
2:00-4:00 PMSession VIITBD
4:00-6:30 PMPoster Session and Reception 
6:30-8:00 PMBanquet and Awards 

Saturday, January 25th

Time                     Topic 
All DayTravel Day