Improving Health Systems for All
The Department of Health Policy and Health Services Administration at the University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio is dedicated to supporting and enhancing community engagement, research, and education that advances public health by improving the delivery and outcomes of health care services. By collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, we can create a more open and effective health system for all.
Community-Engaged Health Policy
The department promotes initiatives to enhance access to care while focusing on person-centered outcomes and evidence-based policy development.
Academic focus areas include:
- Improving Health Care for All: Working to reduce health challenges and improve health outcomes for individuals in South Texas.
- Enhancing Access to Care: Identifying and addressing barriers to medical care and creating solutions to overcome these barriers.
- Person-Centered Outcomes: Concentrating on health outcomes that matter most to patients, their families, and communities, such as quality of life, experience of care, and financial hardships related to healthcare.
- Organizational Leadership: Evaluating leadership practices, strategies, and effectiveness within healthcare organizations to enhance overall performance.
- Policy Development: Creating, analyzing, implementing, and sharing policies aimed at improving access to care, health outcomes, and the value of healthcare.
- Data-Driven Insights: Establishing and using large datasets to better understand factors affecting healthcare services, improving data sharing, and assessing how health information technology can enhance outcomes and reduce costs.
Health Policy and Health Services Administration
8403 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
2nd floor
Have project ideas, research questions, or suggestions for collaborating with the School of Public Health?