As with all professional degrees, there is no teaching or research assistantships offered to the students.
There are two levels of tuition fees:
- *In state tuition applies to those students that are Texas residents. The tuition is approximately $21,000/year. For an exact figure refer to the financial aid website.
- *Out of state tuition applies to all international students and those that are not Texas residents. The tuition is approximately $36,000/year. For an exact figure refer to the financial aid website.
For information on financial aid and/or student loans, please contact the Student Financial Services Office.
Texas Homestead Resident Questionnaire - The determination of residency classification for admission and tuition purposes is governed by status enacted by the Texas Legislature and rules and regulations promulgated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The questionnaire is used to determine whether a current student or applicant is a resident or nonresident of Texas. The decision is used to determine the status of tuition and admission.