We're with you at every stage of the research lifecycle

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Visit our Research Learning Library for information about training you may need to complete before you conduct human research at UT Health SA. Information for animal researchers and self-service educational resources will be coming soon.
STEP 1: Grant & Protocol Development Stage
Topics useful when developing your research ideas into a written document. The protocol describes the background, rationale, purpose and objectives, design, methods, and data analysis plan.
STEP 2: Logistics & Planning for your Finalized Protocol Stage
Once the detailed study plan is finalized, you are ready to plan for the resources that will be needed, identify service providers, develop a study budget and plan for recruiting and protecting human participants or obtaining animals.
STEP 3: Approval Stage
How to navigate the approval process according on the type of research you are planning.
STEP 4: Initiation Stage
Advice on starting your study once you receive necessary approvals.
STEP 5: Management Stage
Tasks and activities commonly performed after initial approval but before closing the study.
STEP 6: Close Out / Completion / Transfer / Departure Stage
Comprehensive guidance on stopping research activity at UTHSA.
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Accredited with AAALAC

A Full Accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP)