UT Dentistry is committed to keeping you safe and healthy as we reopen and get back to the business of making sure you get the best dental care possible.
Our dental practice is now open for patients like you, who have had to delay your treatment due to the recent pandemic. If you are ready to resume care, we invite you to make your appointment today by calling or visiting us online.
Teaching Practice (210) 450-3700
Resident and Faculty Practice (210) 450-3270
To keep you as safe as possible during your visit with us, we have many new processes and protocols in place. This is especially important for certain procedures. Our goals are to take care of our patients and keep everyone as safe as possible. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We now have three levels of screening for all our patients:
1. Screening by phone: All patients will be screened over the phone prior to their dental appointment for COVID-19 symptoms. If you are having symptoms, recommendations will be made for you to contact your medical doctor. You may be asked to test for COVID-19 prior to your appointment. In this case, we will reschedule your appointment in a timely manner.
2. Testing for COVID-19 when needed: There are some procedures that create “aerosols”. These are small particles created by using a dental handpiece or an air/water syringe in the mouth. Common procedures that result in aerosols include fillings and crowns.
These procedures can only be performed on patients who have been tested for COVID-19 and do not have it. We can do the test for you as part of your appointment.
A UT Dentistry scheduler will schedule a testing appointment for you at one of our four San Antonio drive-thru locations at least two days before your appointment.
3. Screening at arrival: When you arrive at our practice for your appointment, you will be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Your temperature also will be taken. If there is concern of a possible COVID-19 infection, patients will be referred to their health care provider for testing and their dental appointment will be rescheduled. For patients who do not have a physician, a list of testing sites will be provided.
In addition to these new protocols, we have put into place very strict safety precautions for our staff and patients:
- We require everyone (patients, staff and providers) to wear a mask or face cover while in our facility.
- Companions are not allowed to join you at to your dental appointment. This helps limit the number of people in our offices.
- Do not arrive earlier than 15 minutes for your scheduled appointment. This helps avoid crowding in our waiting areas.
- Many new infection control procedures will be used during your treatment. This includes the use of special masks our providers wear to reduce the possible spread of infection.
- We also will continue to ask about your symptoms in the days after your visit to make sure you are healthy and doing well.
Please contact our practice with any questions about your care prior to your appointment.
Thank you for your help in making this the safest environment for you and our providers.
Once again, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call us. We look forward to your return.
Thank you,
UT Health Dentistry
Teaching Practice (210) 450-3700
Resident and Faculty Practice (210) 450-3270
What you need to know
UT Health Dentistry is actively monitoring the outbreak COVID-19. The virus has rapidly spread to many countries, including the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring the situation in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).
Our team is also monitoring the COVID-19 situation worldwide and locally and is taking action to prevent transmission of the disease. We rely on information provided by the CDC, WHO, the U.S. State Department, state and local health departments, and on-campus public health experts to guide decisions concerning our operations and maintain a safe environment for our patients.
Most importantly, please follow the precautions issued by the CDC regarding health and safety measures.
What you should know
Coronavirus overview from the CDC
For Healthcare Professionals:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is UT Health Dentistry doing to protect its patients and staff?
A: We have implemented the following precautions:
We are screening patients for possible COVID-19 infection when they schedule an appointment, the day before their appointment and again at the time of their appointment.
We are limiting the number of companions to one per patient.
We have canceled all business travel, domestic and international, for our faculty and staff until further notice.
We are asking our employees who travel to a high-risk area is self-quarantined for at least 14 days after travel. Employees are asked to self-monitor for COVID symptoms and to stay home if they have any symptoms.
We have restricted vendors, volunteers and community visitors from all of our campuses.
We have canceled all work meetings, support groups and events involving 10 or more individuals.
Q: How is COVID-19 spread?
A: COVID-19 is spread through direct contact with someone who has the virus, by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth, or by inhaling the tiny moisture droplets that are exhaled, sneezed or coughed into the air by someone who has the virus. Learn how to prepare and protect yourself at this CDC page.
Q: What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
A: According to the CDC, the following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure:
Unexplained nausea
Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms on this CDC page.
A: As the number of self-isolation cases increases, UT Health San Antonio is following the CDC's recommendation for preventing the spread of COVID-19, specifically while in 14-day isolation. View the full list of steps that should be taken if you are self-isolating or living with someone who is sick with COVID-19.
Q: What can I do to stay healthy?
A: It is critical that we all practice good hygiene and social distancing. Most importantly, stay home if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. You can always visit the CDC website for robust and up-to-date information.
Q: What to do if you get sick?
- If you become sick with (COVID-19) follow these CDC guidelines.
Preventative Actions
Stop the spread of germs and disease by taking simple to follow measures, including:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand rub
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipe