Thank you to our 2019 Speakers

Prescription Pain Pills: How they can help and how they can harm
A board-certified psychiatrist details a patient's risks and responsibilities when a doctor prescribes opioids to help with pain.
Dr. Van L. King

Kitchen Cures: Spices that heal
Start cooking smarter tonight with cancer-preventative, cancer-inhibiting herbs, spices, wines and other anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Dr. Michael J. Wargovich
Cancer Prevention Researcher
We Make Lives Better
Five women share how a single appointment changed their life.

Know your heart, know your future!
Understand how your blood pressure, cholesterol, genetics and other personal risk factors work together to determine your heart's future.
Dr. Ildiko Agoston

What’s that growing on my skin?
Professional examples and guidelines about which skin conditions are harmless, which spots you need to watch and when to go straight to the doctor.
Dr. Sandra Osswald

What women want – from their bodies
A UT Health board-certified internist answers patients' most frequently asked questions and shares advice every woman needs in order to stay healthy.
Dr. Alexander Shepherd

Where's the nearest bathroom?
Expert advice on how to take charge of your overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and constipation including tips and tricks for strengthening your pelvic floor.
Betsy Nielsen Omeis, RN, BSN
Urology and Incontinence Expert