Related to: Aortic aneurysm treatment, abdominal aneurysm, endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), Zenith AAA stent placement, vascular graft

UT Health Physicians renowned vascular surgeons continue to spearhead life-changing advancements in modern aneurysm diagnosis and treatment.
UT Health Physicians vascular specialists are board-certified and fellowship-trained with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating aneurysms. Skilled in modern imaging and advanced non-invasive techniques, our vascular surgeons are able to expertly and effectively treat both large and small aneurysms.
Our vascular surgeons are recognized for being the first in South Texas to place the Zenith abdominal aortic aneurysm stent and the CardioMEMS pressure sensor. They also spearheaded the first endovascular thoracic aortic aneurysm endograft surgery in South Texas.
In addition, our surgeons are extensively trained in utilizing endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) methods for correcting aneurysms using small incisions, X-ray and a very small, lighted scope. This method of treatment is less invasive than open surgery. It also leads to an easier, quicker recovery. Our specialists work closely with other medical experts, such as cardiologists, orthopedists, radiologists, and other medical specialists to ensure our patients receive the most comprehensive treatment possible.
Successful aneurysm treatment is dependent upon the expertise and skill of our expert surgeons. Our patients benefit from their dedication to patient care, research and experience.
Make an appointment
Please call 210-450-9888 for more information or to make an appointment.