Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

GSBS Travel Awards

Student Group Awards

The Graduate Dean has established a mechanism for supporting qualified Doctoral and Master's Students' travel to national scientific meetings for the presentation of their research:


The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) accepts Travel Award applications three times a year (Spring, Summer, and Fall). The committee entertains applications for in-person as well as virtual conferences. Awardees will receive up to $1,500 to help defray expenses related to attending a scientific conference.  


  • Dates:
    • Spring Award (Presentation deadlines between March 1st- June 30th)
    • Summer Award (Presentation deadlines between July 1st – October 31st)
    • Fall Award (Presentation deadlines between November 1st – February 28th)
  • Enrolled full‐time in a Doctoral or Master’s Program offered by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
  • In good academic standing with a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Submitted an abstract for a talk or poster


  • GSBS Travel Award Form
  • Personal Statement: “How will attending this conference support your professional personal growth?”
  • Statement of Support from Mentor
  • CV or Biosketch in NIH format
  • Abstract of presentation
  • Documentation of Abstract Submission


• Application and required documentation will be reviewed by the GSBS Awards Committee.
• Awardees will be notified by the Dean’s Office at the end of February.
• The Dean’s Office will coordinate with the department administrator to distribute the reimbursement of travel-related expenditures up to $1,500.

*Late, incomplete, or submission of applications will not be accepted.*

*GSBS Travel Awards are only awarded once during a graduate student’s tenure*