Congratulations to Jonathan Castro, MS I&I Year 2 Student
Congratulations to two of our MS I&I Students for being awarded the Jim Reed Presidential Scholars

Darrel Bartimus Jr., Monique Perez, Trinity Vaquera, and Brijesh Yadav have been honored with the Jim Reed Presidential Scholarship. These scholarships are designed to support their academic excellence and professional aspirations throughout their enrollment.
Congratulations to Karli Hinton, Armand J. Guarino Award Recipient!
The Armand J. Guarino Award for Academic Excellence in Master of Science Studies is awarded to one Master of Science Studies student who demonstrates excellence in research, as well as demonstrated achievement in other areas such as leadership and service.
Karli Hinton graduated with a Master’s in Immunology and Infection. As a student in Dr. Zhenming Xu’s lab, her research focuses on the role of B cells in the tumor microenvironment of breast cancer.
During her time at UTHSCSA, Karli published a first-author paper, which will be submitted to Cell Reports. In May, Karli was selected to give an oral presentation at the annual American Association of Immunologists, which are rarely awarded to master’s students.
Learn more about her journey and new career pursuits at Convocation.