Christopher R. Friese, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN
Elizabeth Tone Hosmer Professor of Nursing, Health Management and Policy Director, University of Michigan.
The best hope for patients & communities: Nursing science challenges & opportunities.

Debra Lyon, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN
Executive Associate Dean and Kirbo Endowed Chair, University of Florida, School of Nursing
Integrating ‘Omics in Quality of Life in Serious Illness: Exemplars and Future Challenges and Opportunities

Jacquelyn Taylor, PhD, PNP-BC, FAHA, FAAN
Professor and Executive Director, Center for Research on People of Color
Columbia University, School of Nursing
Research Trajectory in Hypertension Genomics

Blaine Reeder, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Colorado Denver, College of Nursing
Collaborative Research on Home-based Smart Health Applications Across Research Environments (HomeSHARE)

Anne Bruce, PhD, RN
Professor and Associate Director of Graduate Education
University of Victoria, School of Nursing
Contemplative Pedagogy: A Quiet Revolution in Nursing and Higher Education

David Vlahov, RN, PhD, FAAN
University of California San Francisco, College of Nursing
Improving Culture of Health and Health Disparities: A Pivotal Moment of Urban Health